Crafting Your 2025 Story: Building a Plan or Letting It Flow?

Hi, I’m Vin!

Thank you, new friend, for coming to my blog. I hope you enjoy today’s content and find inspiration and joy as you read.

Welcome to the new year…to the new year…Radioactive! Radioactive!

I’ve resonated with this song ever since I was a kid. Reading into the lyrics now that I’m older, I now know this song is about empowerment from the words of Dan Reynolds himself. And that’s what our theme of this year is: overcoming our doubts and anxieties as we approach 2025.

This year, we will view our lives from a lens of creativity. When we pour our heart and soul into our stories and art, are we doing the same for our own lives? Let’s take control of our narrative.

We’ll make 2025 the year we write the story we’ve always dreamed of living.

  1. Blueprints for Creativity—Plotting Your Story


The image of platform 9 3/4’s remains etched in our minds, because the imagination of one woman laid an astounding foundation of a world we love.

A goal without a plan is just a wish.
— Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

J.K. Rowling, Brandon Sanderson, James Patterson—all premier examples of plotters. These authors meticulously outline their stories before penning a single word, ensuring every twist and turn is intentional.

Are you a plotter, too?

Ask yourself how you can apply these concepts in your personal life. Actually… you’ve been plotting your entire lives if you consistently set goals for yourself. These are called milestones. A typical New Year’s Resolution usually consists of a few or a multitude of different things you want to accomplish in 365 days.

Now you understand how the iconic world of Harry Potter was formed! 

We each fell in love with The Wizarding World through Rowling’s immaculate worldbuilding. Not a single detail flew over our heads as we explored the world through Harry’s eyes from Hogsmeade to Olivander’s. That’s because the author laid out a foundation and guided us every step of the way through the realm of magic and Muggles.

So what are your milestones?

Would you want to get that promotion by April? Would you like to get published by September? Would you like to simply be a better human being and be better than you were last year? Even the last point—as broad as it sounds—can fall under the mentality of the plotter.

Why? Because you’ve already determined your end goal!

Just like a story, life has twists and surprises, but a strong foundation keeps you on track. Whether you keep a calendar or a wall of sticky notes to plan out your year, never forget the goals that drive you.

2. Let the Story Lead—Trailblazing 2025 Through Pantsing

Now let’s flip the script! Unlike plotters, pantsers dive straight into writing without an outline, discovering the story as they go. Pantsers include authors such as George R.R Martin, Stephen King, Diana Gabaldon, and Vin A. Li.

…didn’t see that coming, did ya?

Whenever I watch The Shining, I feel so in-tune with Jack Torrance’s journey from troubled caretaker to certified madmen. King’s crafting of his descent makes you feel in-tune with such a well-crafted narrative.

But he had no strict plan. There was no rigid outline in place. What could he have done correctly here? The answer is simple: he immersed himself deep into Jack’s story. The narrative wove itself.

I am also a pantser—or discovery writer—in both my writing and my lifestyle! A discovery writer takes a road trip with no map—you don’t know where you’ll end up, but the journey is exhilarating. If you take the broad goal of becoming a better person for 2025, you may just be writing your personal journey on instinct rather than planning.

And guess what? That’s totally fine. Detours lead to unexpected brilliance.

Living life as a pantser is all about embracing spontaneity and going with the flow. You must also be open to surprises and be ready to adapt to opportunities. But as the main character of your story, you will still have your desired ending. You may find joy in unexpected places as you pursue your ultimate end goal.

I think there are two types of writers, the architects and the gardeners.
— George R.R. Martin

3. Blending Structure and Spontaneity

Whether you’re an architect or a gardener, keep building your dreams!

You like the quote by Mr. Martin up there? Here you go!

If I were to summarize his take, I’d say… Use structure for long-term goals, but allow spontaneity for day-to-day inspiration. With the mind of the plotter, you want to have a solid end goal in mind so you have something to strive for.

However, you’ve heard it multiple times: it’s about the journey, not the destination.

You will come across an obstacle in your way that holds you back. There will be a detour that takes you off your trail. With the mind of a pantser, you embrace these moments as challenges rather than setbacks.

There is no winning formula in writing your book, but when it comes to life, I know how I’m going to approach it. Plan your 2025 with structure, but leave space for surprises. Use these surprises to grow and become a better author or person tomorrow.

Until next time! :)



Moments to Masterpieces: Manila, Philippines


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